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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, February 14, 2025

Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales: December 2024


The combined value of distributive trade sales and manufacturers’ shipments for December, adjusted for seasonal and trading day differences but not for price changes, was estimated at $1,908.8 billion, up 0.8 percent (±0.2 percent) from November 2024 and was up 3.1 percent (±0.4 percent) from December 2023.

Manufacturers’ and trade inventories for December, adjusted for seasonal and trading day differences but not for price changes, were estimated at an end-of-month level of $2,584.3 billion, down 0.2 percent (±0.1 percent) from November 2024, but were up 2.0 percent (±0.3 percent) from December 2023.

Inventories/Sales Ratio
The total business inventories/sales ratio based on seasonally adjusted data at the end of December was 1.35. The December 2023 ratio was 1.37.

* The 90 percent confidence interval includes zero. There is insufficient evidence to conclude that the actual change is different from zero.

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